Monday, May 21, 2018

Churchill: The Power of Words Paperback – October 1, 2013 by Winston Churchill (Author), Martin Gilbert (Editor)(Da Capo Press)

This magnificent work by Martin Gilbert shows Churchill's life through his speeches and writings, placed in chronological order, with constant reference to Churchill's age. It is striking to note that his life had long moments of apparent political stagnation, periods in which he was demoted or reduced to playing a subordinate role in England's political affairs. But is also remarkable that he never gave up, never lost his supreme self-confidence. Ever since he was a school boy he seemed certain that he would play a huge role in the history of the nation. At 22 he became famous when he escaped from the hands of the Boers. His descriptions of the River War against the Derviches are very powerful. He would have to wait until he was 65, an age at which most politicians are thinking of retirement, to play his most stellar role as Prime Minister during the II World War. His leadership made a big difference in its outcome. And he did it through the power of his words.President Kennedy said it beautifully: "He mobilised the English language and sent it into battle"

Winston Churchill knew the power of words. In speeches, books, and articles, he expressed his feelings and laid out his vision for the future. His wartime writings and speeches have fascinated generation after generation with their powerful narrative style and thoughtful reflection.

Martin Gilbert, Churchill's official biographer, has chosen passages that express the essence of Churchill's thoughts and describe—in his own inimitable words—the main adventures of his life and the main crises of his career. From first to last, they give insight into his life, how it evolved, and how he made his mark on the British and world stage.

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