Monday, October 22, 2018

Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend Paperback by Mélanie Watt (Author, Illustrator) (KIds Can Press) (IBRChildrensBooks)

That lovable little worrywart is back. And he's as scaredy as Schedule ever! In his latest adventure, Scaredy Squirrel sets out to make The Perfect Friend. The Scaredy Squirrel series is so complex and yet can be done so simply in reading. They're great for multiple levels of literacy development (ex: identifying/understanding literary structures like lists TO very higher level language comprehension with inferences and lots of social language opportunities). Highly recommend. So clever and entertaining for adults and children. Great medium for talking about anxiety and the appropriate sizes of one's reactions too!

And once he's spotted a perfectly safe candidate (with no teeth), Scaredy's ready. Armed with a name tag, mittens, a mirror and a lemon, he's prepared to make The Perfect First Impression. But just when every detail is under control, Scaredy's Action Plan takes a surprising --- and ?toothy? --- turn. Will he survive this ordeal? Will he find his kindred spirit? Will he discover the true meaning of friendship? Read Scaredy's nutty story to find out ..

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