Thursday, June 21, 2018

A Falling Star (Bakwin Award) Kindle Edition by Chantel Acevedo (Carolina Wren Press)

A Falling Star (Bakwin Award) by [Acevedo, Chantel]

A beautifully rendered tale that throws light on the impact of repression and the avenues some travel to find freedom. Chantel Acevedo's, A Falling Star, paints vivid images of a few people who fled Cuba during the Mariel Boatlift of 1980 and traded the difficulties of life at "home" for new life in America. But there is always a price to be paid for life lived in exile, even self-imposed exile. There are triumphs and losses. A Falling Star shows the reader some of both, as well as the middle ground of ordinary people trying to live ordinary lives. In the process of telling her characters' stories, Acevedo allows us a glimpse of some of the internal and external forces that caused some Cubans to choose exile during the historic Boatlift and a few years following. The book is well written with enough mystery, drama, and suspense to make it a very satisfying read. The narrative shifts between the perspectives of several characters, which allows the reader insights into the hearts and minds of the characters and their struggles. The ending is a well-executed surprise. I highly recommend the novel.

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