Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy Hardcover – October 27, 1991 by Seymour M. Hersh (Random House)

Modern politics has forgotten the past. Very few people know that Israel is a nuclear player. We ignored black market fissionable material that came from France and Africa, assistance from us. During the 6 day war, we were more or less blackmailed into giving assistance above agreed amounts or in self defense Israel would fire its 300+ warheads bringing in WW3, or if your spiritual Armageddon.

Now lets fast forward to the Persian Gulf War. We all remember the pictures splashed across our television of Israelis wearing gas masks. what they never told you is Schwarzkopf was facing the Israeli version of the Pershing 2 moved into the open for us to see, in a ready launch position Nuclear tipped missiles. Were they bluffing or forcing our hand, or setting themselves up to take everyone out to include us as collateral damage in one decisive blow? The author skillfully sidestepped the question and stuck strictly to the facts. For whatever reason, the implication is clear. Political motives aside, Israel would go overboard and disengage the quid pro quo or proportion response thus putting us in an almost untenable position. Not in the book, if one remembers what they extracted from us in exchanged for what?

This research book is designed to give you the overall history as to how they became a nuclear power, why we kept it as the worlds worst kept secret, and if one cares to read between the lines, how they learned a trick from us, the art of nuclear blackmail.

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