Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Blood Sugar Solution: The UltraHealthy Program for Losing Weight, Preventing Disease, and Feeling Great Now! Paperback, 2014 by Mark Hyman M.D. (Little, Brown and Company) (IBRCookBooks)

Truth is simple. Always. Healthy eating is simple too. Dr. Hyman makes a good point in that there are only a handful of things that can go wrong with your physical body. Yet the medical profession has classified over 2,000 different diseases. This is insanity. Point well made by Dr. Hyman. However.....

This is the second book I've read by Dr. Hyman. The first was The Ultra Mind Solution. Both books advocate essentially the same diet and supplements, etc. A word of caution is in order here. Dr. Hyman is a super-charged AMBITIOUS individual who believes he has a message to take to the world. Or at least that's how he appears to me. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But.......

Why does he have to make it so complicated? Healthy eating isn't complicated. I found this book to be difficult, and boring. Worse, the implementation of his program is tediously complex and too difficult for me to follow without making a full-time job out of it. Many pages deal with stuff I have no interest in whatsoever and he spends so much time trying to convince you that there is a problem out there with the way most Americans eat. Duh!

Dr. Hyman might possibly be one of the greatest guys on Earth, but at the same time, he is an incessant hype machine and a master marketer. It gets annoying after awhile. I have abandoned him as a source of dietary information, because there are other sources, advocating essentially the same diet (or close enough that it's hard to tell any difference) that I don't need to spend money on Dr. Hyman's program. The info is out there for free. Don't spend your money if you don't have to. As another reviewer pointed out, there is nothing original in Dr Hyman's book.

After reading this book, I stumbled upon an internet diet called Beyond Diet, with is essentially the same diet Dr. Hyman advocates, but uses a slightly different approach in implementing it. This diet, however costs money to get into (which I did), and it's way too comlpicated also, just like Dr. Hyman's diet. Strike two.

So basically I just eliminated eating everything except for the vegetables and fruits from my garden, supplemented by meat purchased at the store. Shortly after, I discovered something called the Paleo Diet which was almost exactly what I was already eating, and it turns out to be remarkeably similar, to Beyond Diet, as well as the Blood Sugar Solution. Any differences between the three are minor.

What distinguishes the "paleo community," however, is that although there are books written about it, you don't need to buy any of them because all the information you need to know about the diet is free on a variety of websites. Google it and you'll see. One of the more complete websites is Mark's Daily Apple, which explains the diet in detail, in a straight forward, uncomplicated manner. If you're the type that wants recipes, this site is loaded with them. They do sell a book, but you don't need it - all the info you need about the paleo way of eating is there on the website.

I am in no way affiliated with the above-mentioned website, and have no ulterior motives whatsoever for recommending it other than to simply share with you what I have found, There are many other paleo websites as well, and they're all worth exploring.

In summary, Dr. Hyman's book for me was complicated and even stressful to try and use as a guide, not to mention expensive if you get his supplements. A better route is free and simple. Check out what paleo has to offer.

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