Thursday, May 3, 2018

New Testament Introduction (Guthrie New Testament Reference Set) 4th Edition by Donald Guthrie (IVP Academic)

Great for those looking for counterpoints to those who would like to late date the NT documents. I highly recommend it for a solid conservative intro to the NT. It also has a helpful section on Form criticism. Those of a more "liberal" persuasion might gnash their teeth some, but it will also challenge them on their presuppositions if the "dare" to read it. Guthrie treats every book in the NT and discusses date of writing, and authorship. On many he also discusses the structure of the book and the circumstances which provoked its writing. Many also have additional notes on issues peculiar to that book. One of the best conservative introductions to the NT. Maybe THE best. And recent enough to interact with the literature up to the 1960's. But nothing in the index on the Jesus Seminar people, so you need to go elsewhere for that crowd. Fortunately, there are many recent books which address their methodology.

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