Thursday, May 3, 2018

Doctor in the House: A Physician-Turned-Congressman Offers His Prescription for Scrapping Obamacare - And Saving America's Medical System Hardcover by Michael C Burgess ( WND Books)

Doctor in the House: A Physician-Turned-Congressman Offers His Prescription for Scrapping Obamacare -- and Saving America's Medical System by [Burgess M.D., Michael C.]

Dr. Burgess' revealing description of the tortured path of healthcare reform wonderfully illustrates how little influence a true citizen-legislator has in Congress, particularly when he/she is in the minority party. It also confirms how little regard professional politicians have for those of their colleagues that are genuine experts on the issue being legislated. I know from personal experience that his chapter on "Seven Things Your doctor Wishes You Knew" paints a very different and much more accurate picture of the life of a physician than most people have. Finally, his nine recommendations for reforming healthcare lay the foundation for a successful economic--as opposed to engineering--approach to dealing with the convoluted mess that healthcare has become. Dr. Burgess must know what Don Quixote felt like.

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