Saturday, September 1, 2018

Astrology Made Simple: A Beginner's Guide to Interpreting Your Birth Chart and Revealing Your Horoscope Paperback – August 16, 2015 by Alyson Mead (Zephyros Press )

If you're like me, you thought astrology began and ended with little blurbs in the newspaper or a little birthday notice on your home page, and if you're really fortunate, your lucky numbers. Little did I know all the minutiae and complex relationships with planets and stars. Frankly, it was a little daunting for a novice like me. The book is broken down into multiple sections, from a "birth chart" (with full explanations), and a very detailed breakdown of the history behind all of it.

I'm not one to believe in how a planet in "retrograde" has any effect whatsoever on my mood, my decisions, or my mental state. If you're a skeptic, this book will do very little to change your mind, but if you're a dyed in the wool believer, this book will do wonders to help you further understand what it is you're putting your faith in.

The author, Alyson Mead, filled this book with enough information that you can go from beginner to expert in just one sitting. Covering almost every facet of the belief system, it's a daunting enough read that I believe the "made simple" byline to be a misnomer. I found it to be informative but not persuasive, so for the skeptic this will do little to change your stance. I personally took nothing away from this book, because while I do believe the sun on a hot day will make everyone a little bit of feisty, and the full moon affects the tides and brings out the loons, that's about as much power over my life as I'm willing to give any celestial body. But if getting the full skinny on everything astrological is what you're, this book will be your bible.

I received the above product(s) free of charge from . I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review.

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