Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Alexander Hamilton: The Illustrated Biography Hardcover – Illustrated, November 15, 2016 by Richard Sylla (Sterling)

Richard Sylla has accomplished what few historians have done successfully over many decades: summarize and explain the life and accomplishments of Alexander Hamilton through the eyes of professor of finance with a focus on the history of business and banking. Alexander Hamilton's achievements were many- yet one stands above all the rest: his creation of the American banking system, which laid the foundation for economic growth and prosperity through Treasury Department operations, securities markets, public and private finance and numerous related applications. More than any other American, Hamilton put these things into existence and his policies- approved by George Washington- allowed them to come to fruition, giving rise to the most successful nation in human history. Sylla's book Hamilton: The Illustrated Biography is superb: a beautifully illustrated volume with hundreds of paintings, historical images and photographs and a narrative that flows and is easy to read, for both historians and non-history buffs, for both finance and non-finance people. I worked for 24 years in the investment and banking industries as a financial analyst and portfolio manager and have recently published a book on Hamilton focusing on his creation of the American financial system. In it, I quote Sylla and other scholars who have brought many facts to light about Hamilton's great contributions to America and the world. To get an idea of how well Hamilton's policies have worked, take a look around. America is by far the most successful, best governed nation on Earth where its citizens enjoy a wealth of advantages and freedoms only dreamed of by millions in other nations. All of these things occurred at least partly because Alexander Hamilton and the other Founding Fathers built the greatest republic on Earth. Yet it was Hamilton who stood above the rest in making sure the new government had the financial strength and wherewithal to survive and thrive going forward. In the two centuries since his policies were put into place, American industry has risen to the top ranking in the world, our system of government has been copied by many other nations and our freedoms used as yardsticks by which other nations and their citizens rate themselves. All of these things occurred due to Alexander Hamilton. Sylla's book is one of the very best narratives written on this great patriot in the last 50 years. It will be enjoyed by a wide range of readers. Anyone who wants to learn more about Hamilton and how America came to be what it is today should read this book. 

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