The Cutting Edge, the latest Lincoln Rhyme novel, has the usual Deaveresque twists and surprises. However, there is also a meta-surprise, in that the author goes beyond the usual serial killer hunt and creates complication after complication. Everything seems normal at first. We have the usual serial killer, the Promiser, this time, who apparently wants to kill engaged couples.
And so we begin with the murder of the engaged couple and the “diamantiere,” to whom they have come for their wedding rings. Then we have a hunt for the witness, the murdered jeweler’s apprentice, who quickly gets away after being shot at. Calling 911 to report the murder, he doesn’t give his name.
The case is referred to Rhyme, who begins the investigation. Cut to the serial killer, who is Deaver-baroque of course. He is a barking mad Russian, who doesn’t like the idea of diamonds being cut up and sold to people as jewelry.
Many minor characters turn up, including an insurance investigator--a British gent, who was once a cop, and has a thing for cryptic crossword puzzles. And then we have ecological issues and natural disasters.
Killings continue, while a B story breaks out. Eventually all the plots and subplots, and the A story and B story, come together, just when you are beginning to think there’s no way they can, or will--oh and there’s an epilogue that sets up the next novel in the series.
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