Two nuggets of inestimable value surfaced in this book for me. First, it is the realization that the stupefying double-speak of so many Islamic voices is made possible by the fact that they say different things in English than they say in Arabic. The answer to this problem, as Timmerman so powerfully proves, is MEMRI (The Middl e East Media and Research Institute). MEMRI is a translation service that publishes transcripts in English of articles, book excerpts, speeches, TV and radio programs, sermons, pamphlets, and school books from throughout the Middle East. Wow! I continue to be amazed and horrified by the things being said across the Arab world.
The second little gem that emerged from this important book is this question: what standards of scholarship exist in the Muslim world that would allow men of advanced degrees, academicians, professors, journalists, heads of state and leaders of the most important institutions of society to believe and disseminate such an absurd collection of wacko, lunatic theories that now consume the fetid minds of the Islamic world. From the utterly stupid, but widely reported stories of Jews distributing AIDS laced chewing gum to children; to the foolish notion of Jewish blood pastries; to the newest idiocy to sweep the universities of Islam: Holocaust Denial. It is as if entire nations were being led by the most ignorant collections of back-woods, hood-wearing, good old boys who, instead of being rejected utterly for their racism and stupidity are given credence and legitimacy on the world's stage. Does the King of Saudi Arabia also believe that the moon is made of cheese? Are the Universities of Egypt convening symposia to discuss why ships don't fall when they reach the edge of the flat earth? And exactly how many Syrian Generals does it take to screw in a light bulb?
The Truth matters and the world is burning wherever silly men are allowed to tell lies to support their irrational hatred of Jews or Israel or Bush or the US or (insert object of hatred by lunatic fringe conspiracy theorists here). Read Timmerman and be amazed.
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