Many things we knew already in this story, if we lived through the Clinton years and a lot of these antics of theirs were also supported by many other books and documents. They had no respect at all for authority, rules, or the secret service and people in uniform then and they still don't seem to care, from what I read today about the Benghazi reports and Mrs Clinton's response "Let's move on" she said almost without any emotion or a tear in her eye about the dead. After concluding her discourse, she smiles, inappropriately because we are talking about four people that have not just died, but has been tortured and died horribly and her lies to the public overtly and without apology. To say she is cold and insensitive is an understatement. Based on seeing her recent behavior and responses at age 64, a time when most people mellow, I don't doubt she cursed and treated these good officers with contempt when she was much younger and less guarded in the 90's. I saw some of her interviews of that time, looking so young, she was obstinate, had a quick answer for everything and seem very combative, justifying everything. I also took the time to read her emails online, and they match her personality. Someone that seeks foreign policy and updates advice from outsiders rather than their own staff while Secretary of State, makes me think she wants to play by her own rules, outside of the inner team or circle. She wrote a lot of emails about Libya and Benghazi to Sid Bloomenthal, and he wasn't even part of the staff. So her early behavior during the Clinton presidency does not surprise me and believe this story 100%. They brought in their own big staff of interns and fired the travel staff to put in her own staff, and threatened then with IRS audits and other means to get her way. Not a nice person. An abuse of power, for sure.
The author feels that the Clinton's treated them like "furniture" and were ungrateful of the fact they were there to take a bullet for them. The contrast between the Clinton's and the old school Papa Bush and Barbara, was so well presented. Clinton's cheating on his wife with Monica is a great story and presents many aspects that we didn't know, and much that we already knew. But that wasn't a shocker for the reader, after all, other presidents had mistresses too. Lewinsky flipping her dress to show her thong to Clinton in front of the officers, was no different than Marylin singing happy birthday seductively to JFK! They just want to broadcast their indiscreation, it's a turn on for them it seems. The American People are tolerant of these things, but it's the lying they can't stand.
None of this is fiction, for sure. Very believable. Do not believe the 1 star reviews because they are obviously planted, this book is good. You can tell right way, they are planted because there are either honest 5 star reviews, like mine or 1 star reviews that don't go into detail. I see fewer 4 and 3 stars, which is an obvious sign that the one stars seem to be manipulations. Obviously the democratic party wants to discredit the book because it might affect their campaign. I don't think it will because nothing that is told here goes to their issues or policies. It talks about character.
Having edited several other historical books, I think it is well written, edited and presented. What is outstanding about this book is how it is told, from the point of view of one person. The language, the way he explains his experiences, reminds me of a World War II book I edited as well.
The marketing was of course taking advantage of the election frenzy, but I don't fault the publisher for that, it's marketing and if you don't catch the wave you won't sell the book and of course we won't find out the truth. But, this book, is in no way fiction or made up. Having followed this topic for such a long time, I have found so many other independent sources that confirm this information. These are the quintessential Clintons as we know them well. You either love them or hate them.
Does Hillary Clinton have an issue with her character? Maybe. I don't think that just because she curses like a truck driver, and she is insesitive that could make her a bad president. Plenty of males in top positions have been insufferable, and insensitive. The problem is her disdain for everything in uniform and poor performance when it came to a military decision in Benghazi and lately trying to throw her own boss under the bus to excuse her lack of action. This book explains where it comes from. She was asking the officers not to wear uniforms then and didn't even want to see them around. The author explains how they had to hide in the closet when she came around.
Militarily, they wanted to take away weapons from the military men "they wanted to help but not use force". The author says it's like a doctor wanting to operate without using a scalpel. It is so right, because this exactly what happened in Benghazi, she didn't want to send force to protect at the beginning, and when trouble started it was too late to have them rush in. The author points out this happened before in another situation. And, it will happen again because Today, on June 28th, 2016, her response to the Benghazi report shows that she hasn't changed her tune. Certainly the Clinton presidency was one scandal after another, always damage repair to extensive PR at the expense of the tax payer. Descriptions of lavish parties that were really a way to sell the Clinton brand and not the White House. This woman was already running for office then, setting things up for her future.
I strongly recommend that you read this book. More than Clinton Cash, this book is far more believable and an easy read. And, it also provides a lot of interesting information about the life of the secret service officers that risk their lives daily to protect our elected officials, and in this case, with the Clintons, they did not seem to show full appreciation when they took a bullet to protect them.
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