Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Koren Sacks Siddur: A Hebrew / English Prayerbook, Compact Size - Ashkenaz (Hebrew Edition) (Hebrew and English Edition) (Hebrew) Paperback by Jonathan Sacks (Koren Publishers Jerusalem)

Looking for a Siddur(Jewish Prayerbook)? I own the "Artscroll" Hebrew/English Siddur (2 sizes); the "Siddur Eit Ratzon (Hebrew English);" a pocket size Hebrew/English Siddur published in 1950 by the Brooklyn Publishing Company (now defunct), and have read many Siddurim (Prayerbooks). I recently purchased the Koren Sacks Hebrew/English Siddur (Orthodox Union)(personal size), and I can honestly say it puts the others to shame. Not only is the hard cover beautiful, but the most important part, the inside, is awesome. The paper is a creme color, so it's softer on the eyes than white. The black print is crisp and clear, and a perfect size font to be readable (with my 49 year-old eyes, assisted by glasses), yet keep the book a handy size. The English translation is on the right instead of on the left, as most, if not all, other Siddurim, and the Hebrew is on the left. And the Hebrew script is just beautiful (specially commissioned for this Siddur). There are few notes at the bottom of the page, and the notes don't carry an "agenda." All instructions are in-text. And the English is NOT in italics, which I found irritating in the Artscroll. And unlike the Artscroll, which translates Lord as "Hashem"(which should only be used in conversation, not in prayer!), this Siddur keeps it "Lord." The English and Hebrew line up, so they are line by line and easy to follow back and forth. The Hebrew is arranged in short lines with breaks and not in long paragraphs, this enables prayer at a natural and proper pace. The pages are not cluttered and messy, but neat and unclutterd with plenty of creme space. The English sentence structure is superb. This Siddur has 2 "ribbon" markers (one red, one blue) which are extra long and of a quality material; and the binding is top notch quality and is sure to last a lifetime

Looking for a Siddur? Seriously consider this one. Everyone is different, of course, but even still: if you purchase this Siddur, I doubt you'll be disappointed.

The Koren Sacks Siddur is an inspiring Hebrew/English Jewish prayerbook. The siddur marks the culmination of years of rabbinic scholarship, exemplifies the tradition of textual accuracy and innovative graphic design of the renowned Koren Publishers Jerusalem publishing house, and offers an illuminating translation, introduction, and commentary by one of the world's leading Jewish thinkers, Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks. Modern orthodox halakhic guides to daily, Shabbat, and holiday prayers supplement the traditional text. Prayers for the State of Israel, its soldiers, and national holidays, and for the American government and its military reinforce the siddur's contemporary relevance. Compact size, Ashkenaz, with dark slate Skivertex softcover binding. Fits neatly into tallit and tefillin bags. Ideal for students and travelers.

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