Jews Praying In The Synagogue on the Day of Atonement by Maurycy Gottlieb (Tel Aviv Museum of Art) The Israel Book Review has been edited by Stephen Darori since 1985. It actively promotes English Literacy in Israel .#israelbookreview is sponsored by Foundations including the Darori Foundation and Israeli Government Ministries and has won many accolades . Email contact: Office Address: Israel Book Review ,Rechov Chana Senesh 16 Suite 2, Bat Yam 5930838 Israel
Saturday, October 13, 2018
The Case of Roe versus Wade Hardcover by Leonard A. Stevens (Putnam)
This short, highly readable book outlines the steps that led to the passage of Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal in America. Few cases have had the impact on society this one has had. Proponents hail its passage as a "victory for women's rights." Opponents say it has ushered in a Holocaust that dwarfs anything done Nazi death camps. Almost everyone has a strong opinion. No one is neutral.
Stevens begins by ridiculing the crusade led by Anthony Comstock of Connecticut and the Roman Catholic Church to rid America of vice in the late 18 and 1900's, which included information on birth control. He then praises early women's rights advocate Margaret Sanger's efforts in fighting them. He then reviews Texas Attorney Sarah Weddington's efforts in preparing her case for legalizing abortion to the Supreme Court. Particularly interesting is her search for a typical victim to use in her class action suit that led her to Norma McCorvey aka, Jane Roe. He then spends a great deal of time enumerating the, sometimes violent, efforts of pro-life supporters to end abortion and hails the punitive damages awarded "victims" of their protests. He ends by proposing a truce between reasonable people on both sides of the issue to work together to make abortion rare while protecting the legal sanctity of "a woman's right to choose."
Only 175 short pages in length, this book should be read by people on both sides of the issue. Stevens is a gifted writer who presents the issues well. Readers will be much better informed after spending two hours or so reading this work.
Few people are neutral on abortion. The author is not; neither is this reviewer. The fact remains; every time an abortion is performed a child dies. Dehumanizing terms such as, "fetus," "product of conception," "fetal tissue," etc. doesn't change that. As a pro-lifer, I totally reject the proposed compromise the author suggests designed to make abortion safe, legal and rare. Forty-three to forty-five million abortions have been performed since Roe v. Wade. Abortion is therefore, safe, and, thanks to Roe v. Wade, legal. But it is anything but rare. I pledge to use the information in this work in my efforts to eliminate this scourge on our nation's history and honor. Interestingly enough, Norma McCorvey, aka, Jane Roe, now supports our efforts as well.
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