Jews Praying In The Synagogue on the Day of Atonement by Maurycy Gottlieb (Tel Aviv Museum of Art) The Israel Book Review has been edited by Stephen Darori since 1985. It actively promotes English Literacy in Israel .#israelbookreview is sponsored by Foundations including the Darori Foundation and Israeli Government Ministries and has won many accolades . Email contact: Office Address: Israel Book Review ,Rechov Chana Senesh 16 Suite 2, Bat Yam 5930838 Israel
Friday, October 5, 2018
Daily Wisdom Hardcover by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Author), Rabbi Moshe Wisnefsky (Editor), Adaptor and Translator (Editor), Rabbi Chaim Nochum Cunin (Illustrator), General Editor (Illustrator) (Kehot Publication Society)
The Bible - particularly the Five Books of Moses - is the spiritual foundation of civilization. Over the course of more than 40 years of leadership, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, devoted countless hours to elucidating its hidden meanings and applying its wisdom - simply and beautifully - to daily life. Known collectively as the Torah ("the Teaching"), the Five Books of Moses are studied in a yearly consecutively every Sabbath morning...further subdivided into 7 sub-sections...studied consecutively every day. Daily Wisdom summarizes each daily Torah reading and presents an original insight based on the Rebbe's teachings that will nourish and inspire the reader each and every day.
Translated and adapted by Rabbi Moshe Wisnefsky, and produced by Chabad House Publications of California, Daily Wisdom summarizes each daily Torah reading and presents an original insight based on the Rebbe`s
The Rebbe saw the weekly Torah portion as an inexhaustible source of new ideas, insight into current issues, and profound relevance for daily life. He urged his followers, as well as everyone who came into contact with him, to seek daily inspiration from studying the Torah.
Daily Wisdom`s 378 daily lessons, are a taste of the Rebbe`s vast and deep teachings, filled with love for G-d, Torah and the Jewish people, pragmatic optimism, and the conviction that evil and negativity will disappear when we learn to emphasize goodness and kindness These ideas are woven together throughout the book, resulting in a precious daily resource that will enrich and elevate the lives of all readers.
About the Author
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), one of the great Jewish leaders of the 20th century, changed the map of world Judaism and deeply affected both Jews and non-Jews throughout the world. His written works span over 200 volumes, many of which are still being published. His students continue to disseminate his teachings in many varied forms, while his global network of emissaries continues to spread his message of goodness and kindness, a message that informs every page of Daily Wisdom.
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