Jews Praying In The Synagogue on the Day of Atonement by Maurycy Gottlieb (Tel Aviv Museum of Art) The Israel Book Review has been edited by Stephen Darori since 1985. It actively promotes English Literacy in Israel .#israelbookreview is sponsored by Foundations including the Darori Foundation and Israeli Government Ministries and has won many accolades . Email contact: Office Address: Israel Book Review ,Rechov Chana Senesh 16 Suite 2, Bat Yam 5930838 Israel
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Images of Optimism by Ralph Fasanella, Pomegranate (Sep 15, 2017) Hardcover $35.00 (128pp) 978-0-7649-7950-7 IBRChildrensBooks
Facing a blank canvas, most artists strive to paint a pretty picture under the guidelines (however loose) of Impressionism, Expressionism, or some other style or technique, while a rarer few seek to use their paintings to address political or social injustices, either symbolically or overtly. With the primitive, self-taught style of Grandma Moses in mind, take note of Ralph Fasanella’s early- mid-twentieth century work depicting gritty, urban New York City. A fierce advocate for strong unions and labor rights among the immigrant population, Fasanella started painting shortly after World War Two and quickly earned critical acclaim as a “modern primitive,” an artist adept at capturing a “unique and quintessentially American spirit while simultaneously offering an antidote to the elite art world embodied in the work of the abstract expressionists,” according to art historian Leslie Umberger in Ralph Fasanella: Images of Optimism. Interestingly, Fasanella’s lack of formal art training did not keep him from intensely studying the greats via books, galleries, and museums. Throughout his life, he was comfortable in art circles. Blacklisted for his leftist activism during the early Cold War years, his work never backed away from the political issues of the day.
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