Monday, August 13, 2018

With 6th Airborne Division in Palestine 1945 – 48 Hardcover by Dare Wilson ( Pen and Sword)

This book covers the operations and duties carried out by the 6th Airborne Division during their deployment in Mandatory Palestine right up to the withdrawal of all British forces from the region and the beginning of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. It shows just how difficult the task was for the soldiers stationed here in this difficult part of the world during an especially difficult and turbulent time, especially as most of these men just came from the end of World War 2 in Europe to be faced with whole new problems. This book is of the beaten track for me reading wise, but still a good read and very eye-opening as a lot of background is given to the shaping of the modern Middle East during the post-war years. A must read for airborne enthusiasts.

The 6th Airborne Division was a major element of the British Security Force in Palestine between September, 1945 and May 1948. Faced with the unenviable task of upholding the law in a lawless country, the individual British soldier had to face continual opposition from a hostile Jewish community. This story is described by General Wilson, then a Major, who served with the division during this period. The mission of British forces was simply “to keep the peace.” To achieve this goal, the 6th Airborne Division conducted a variety of counter-insurgency operations in both urban and rural environments. These operations were designed to locate illegal arms caches, limit Jewish-Arab violence and capture dissidents who had attacked British positions. The destruction of the King David Hotel, the most famous terrorist attack of the Mandate period, is treated in great detail. With 6th Airborne Division in Palestine 1945 – 48 is a tribute to the British soldier. It is also an excellent case study in unconventional warfare. It will be of great interest to any student of the intricate problem that Palestine presents.

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